[R-br] Fwd: [R-pkgs] ggmap : ggplot2 and RgoogleMaps

Benilton Carvalho beniltoncarvalho em gmail.com
Sexta Março 9 19:12:49 BRT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Kahle <david.kahle em gmail.com>
Date: 5 March 2012 17:20
Subject: [R] [R-pkgs] ggmap : ggplot2 and RgoogleMaps
To: r-packages em r-project.org, ggplot2 <ggplot2 em googlegroups.com>

Dear useRs -

ggmap v1.2 is now available on CRAN.

ggmap is a relatively new package which combines the power of ggplot2
with the spatial contextual information in Google Maps or
OpenStreetMaps (via RgoogleMaps) to provide an easy, consistent and
modular framework for spatial graphics.

For examples on how to get started with ggmap, see ?ggmapplot for
several examples of its use.

Happy mapping!

david kahle.


David J. Kahle, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Statistical Science
Department of Statistical Science
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97140
Waco, Texas 76798
Office : (254) 710-6102

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