[R-br] lillie.test vs ks.test
Cristiano Melo
cristianogmelo em gmail.com
Segunda Junho 6 19:13:47 BRT 2011
Texto da ajuda do R
The Lilliefors (Kolomorov-Smirnov) test is the most famous EDF omnibus test
for normality. Compared to the Anderson-Darling test and the Cramer-von
Mises test it is known to perform worse. Although the test statistic
obtained from lillie.test(x) is the same as that obtained from ks.test(x,
"pnorm", mean(x), sd(x)), it is not correct to use the p-value from the
latter for the composite hypothesis of normality (mean and variance
unknown), since the distribution of the test statistic is different when the
parameters are estimated.
Minha base de dados consiste de uma amostra de tempos de reparo de
equipamentos e tempos de operação (um vetor para cada). Neste caso o mais
adequado é o lillie.test?
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