[R-br] INLA short course with Elias

Paulo Justiniano paulojus em leg.ufpr.br
Quinta Maio 29 15:36:44 BRT 2014

O Elias Krainski vai passar uns dias aqui em Curitiba e no período
vai apresentar um curso sobre o INLA.
A enfase será mais na motivaçãoe "entranhas" do INLA (e nao apenas no uso 
do pacote e exemplos de dados)

A seguir um resumo, tb em www.leg.ufpr.br/seminarios

todos interessados são bem vindos

Periodo: 09-13/06/2014
Horario: 10:00 - 12:00

The main objective of this course is to look at the ideas behind INLA.
INLA has a history which can be followed by looking bacl at the sequence 
of works by Prof.  H. Rue's.
We start on the MCMC algorithms, including single site and block updates 
and the Gaussian approximation as a proposal.
Then, the INLA algorithm is used as one further step more wich makes 
sampling from the posterior no longer needed for most inference tasks.
An working example is used to show, in details, how the algorithms work.
At end we can see that any additive linear model with 
conditional independent likelihood can be easily included in the 
If time allows, we will look at the INLA package and at some tricks 
implemented to deal with more complex models.

Mais detalhes sobre a lista de discussão R-br