[R-br] [1/2 off] Funções multiplicativas em Estatística
Elias Teixeira Krainski
eliaskrainski em yahoo.com.br
Quarta Março 20 11:14:47 BRT 2013
Acho que seria bom uma conversa com um probabilista
A principio, recomendaria esses dois:
1 - A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
2 - Probability, Albert N. Shiryaev
No final do primeiro, há a seguinte recomendação,
classificada em undergraduate and graduate levels:
Undergraduate-level probability.
W. Feller (1968), An introduction to probability theory
and its applications, Vol. I (3 r d ed.). Wiley & Sons, New York.
G.R. Grimmett and D.R. Stirzaker (1992), Probability and random
processes (2 nd ed.). Oxford University Press.
D.G. Kelly (1994), Introduction to probability.
Macmillan Publishing Co., New York.
J. Pitman (1993), Probability. Springer-Verlag, New York.
S. Ross (1994), A first course in probability (4 t h ed.).
Macmillan Publishing Co., New York.R.L. Scheaffer (1995),
Introduction to probability and its applications (2 n d ed.).
Duxbury Press, New York.
Graduate-level probability.
P. Billingsley (1995), Probability and measure (3 r d ed.).
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
L. Breiman (1992), Probability. SIAM, Philadelphia.
K.L. Chung (1974), A course in probability
theory (2 nd ed.). Academic Press, New York.
R.M. Dudley (1989), Real analysis and probability.
Wadsworth, Pacific Grove, CA.
R. Durrett (1996), Probability: Theory and
examples (2 nd ed.). Duxbury Press, New York.
W. Feller (1971), An introduction to probability
theory and its applications, Vol. II (2 nd ed.).
Wiley & Sons, New York.
B. Fristedt and L. Gray (1997), A modern approach
to probability theory. Birkhauser, Boston.
J.C. Taylor (1997), An introduction to measure and probability.
Springer, New York.
D. Williams (1991), Probability with martingales.
Cambridge University Press.
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