[R-br] amostragem 3D dados espaciais

Elias Teixeira Krainski eliaskrainski em yahoo.com.br
Quinta Fevereiro 21 11:32:06 BRT 2013

Segue exemplo;

### spatio-temporal grid
nx <- 10; ny <- 10
gr <- GridTopology(c(0,0), c(1,1), c(nx,ny))
plot(sp <- SpatialPixels(SpatialPoints(coordinates(gr))))
(time = as.POSIXct("2013-01-01")+24*3600*(0:4))
### data
y <- rnorm(length(sp)*length(time),
           rep(1:length(time), each=length(sp)))

### spatio temporal (full) data frame
stfdf <- STFDF(sp, time, data.frame(y, ID=1:length(y)))

### 1) sampling 
### 1.1) same spatial 'n' points each time
###    in this case the result is a STDF so, 
###       but with irregular locations
n <- 20
i1.1 <- sample(1:nrow(stfdf), n)
tapply(stfdf[i1.1,]$y, rep(1:length(time), each=n), mean)

### 1.2) 'n' spatio temporal completely at random
###    in this case the result is not a STDF, 
###     because now we have irregular spatio and
###     also irregular time. So, the output is a STIDF 
n <- 30
i1.2 <- sort(sample(1:(length(sp)*length(time)), n))
### identify index for space and time (splited)
i1.2.s <- (i1.2-1)%%length(sp) + 1
i1.2.t <- (i1.2-1)%/%length(sp) + 1

### get the spatial coordinates
scoo <- do.call('rbind',
                lapply(unique(i1.2.t), function(t0)
                       coordinates(stfdf[i1.2.s[i1.2.t==t0], t0])))
### construct the STIDF object
stidf <- STIDF(SpatialPoints(scoo), time[i1.2.t], stfdf em data[i1.2,])


On Wed, 2013-02-20 at 18:15 -0800, Samuel Carvalho wrote:
> Boa noite caros membros da r-br
> Por gentileza, alguém saberia me dizer como amostrar um grid espacial
> em 3D?
> Tentei usar a função spsample do pacote sp, porém a mesma me parece
> que amostra apenas grid's em duas dimensoes.
> Obg,
> Samuel
> ====================================
> Samuel P. C. Carvalho
> Mestre em Ciências Florestais [UFLA]
> Doutorando em Recursos Florestais [ESALQ/USP]
> =============================================
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