[R-br] Tinn-R: nova versão liberada (

Jose Claudio Faria joseclaudio.faria em gmail.com
Quarta Setembro 26 22:50:52 BRT 2012

Prezados usuários do Tinn-R,

Após um longo período, uma nova versão do Tinn-R foi liberada com
alguns melhoramentos.

http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinn-r/ (Set/23/2012)
- Bug(s) fixed:
  - Not really a bug, but a correction related to prior versions which
do not recognize the "Options/Application/R/Rgui/Recognition/Type" is
set to "Whole" related to R Console (32-bit).
- This version was compiled with Code Gear 2007 running under Windows
7. Before it was compiled under Windows Vista or XP. We noticed that
some boring stuff were automatically corrected by simply changing the
operating system. That is, there were bugs caused by older operating
- Some default startup values were changed. We hope it is now better
for novices.
- Basic support to R package Knitr was added.
- Minor improvements in the graphical interface.
- The user guide user guide has a new chapter: Some secrets for an
efficient use.


Existe um novo capítulo importante na documentação: Some secrets for
an efficient use.

A idéia é que os usuários possam contribuir escrevendo aquilo que
gostariam de ver documentado.
A medida que recebermos sugestões iremos adicionando e socializando.

Jose Claudio Faria
joseclaudio.faria at gmail.com
55(73)3680.5545 - UESC
55(73)9100.7351 - TIM
55(73)8817.6159 - OI

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