[R-br] [Dúvida] Erro na instalação do RMySQL
Pedro Rafael
pedro.rafael.marinho em gmail.com
Terça Novembro 22 23:35:25 BRST 2011
Configuration error:
could not find the MySQL installation include and/or library
directories. Manually specify the location of the MySQL
libraries and the header files and re-run R CMD INSTALL.
Pessoal estou usando o Ubuntu 11.10 e instalei o MySQL e posteriormente
tentei instalar o pacote RMySQL e ocorreu o seguinte erro. O que pode está
1. Define and export the 2 shell variables PKG_CPPFLAGS and
PKG_LIBS to include the directory for header files (*.h)
and libraries, for example (using Bourne shell syntax):
export PKG_CPPFLAGS="-I<MySQL-include-dir>"
export PKG_LIBS="-L<MySQL-lib-dir> -lmysqlclient"
Re-run the R INSTALL command:
R CMD INSTALL RMySQL_<version>.tar.gz
2. Alternatively, you may pass the configure arguments
--with-mysql-dir=<base-dir> (distribution directory)
--with-mysql-inc=<base-inc> (where MySQL header files reside)
--with-mysql-lib=<base-lib> (where MySQL libraries reside)
in the call to R INSTALL --configure-args='...'
R CMD INSTALL --configure-args='--with-mysql-dir=DIR'
ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘RMySQL’
* removing ‘/home/pedro/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.14/RMySQL
Pedro Rafael Diniz Marinho.
Estatístico - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - PB.
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