Configuration error:<br> could not find the MySQL installation include and/or library<br> directories. Manually specify the location of the MySQL<br> libraries and the header files and re-run R CMD INSTALL.<br><br>INSTRUCTIONS:<br>
Pessoal estou usando o Ubuntu 11.10 e instalei o MySQL e posteriormente tentei instalar o pacote RMySQL e ocorreu o seguinte erro. O que pode está havendo?<br><br><br>1. Define and export the 2 shell variables PKG_CPPFLAGS and<br>
PKG_LIBS to include the directory for header files (*.h)<br> and libraries, for example (using Bourne shell syntax):<br><br> export PKG_CPPFLAGS="-I<MySQL-include-dir>"<br> export PKG_LIBS="-L<MySQL-lib-dir> -lmysqlclient"<br>
<br> Re-run the R INSTALL command:<br><br> R CMD INSTALL RMySQL_<version>.tar.gz<br><br>2. Alternatively, you may pass the configure arguments<br> --with-mysql-dir=<base-dir> (distribution directory)<br>
or<br> --with-mysql-inc=<base-inc> (where MySQL header files reside)<br> --with-mysql-lib=<base-lib> (where MySQL libraries reside)<br> in the call to R INSTALL --configure-args='...' <br>
<br> R CMD INSTALL --configure-args='--with-mysql-dir=DIR' RMySQL_<version>.tar.gz<br><br>ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘RMySQL’<br>* removing ‘/home/pedro/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.14/RMySQL<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br><font color="#000099">Saudações,</font><div><font color="#000099">Pedro Rafael Diniz Marinho.</font></div><div><font color="#000099">Estatístico - Secretaria de Estado da Saúde - PB.</font></div><div><font color="#000099"><br>