[R-br] Redes neurais
eder em leg.ufpr.br
eder em leg.ufpr.br
Segunda Maio 9 15:08:35 BRT 2011
O pacote AMORE tem implementação de RN, fácil de usar, exemplo do pacote.
# P is the input vector
P <- matrix(sample(seq(-1,1,length=1000), 1000, replace=FALSE), ncol=1)
# The network will try to approximate the target P^2
target <- P^2
# We create a feedforward network, with two hidden layers.
# The first hidden layer has three neurons and the second has two neurons.
# The hidden layers have got Tansig activation functions and the output
layer is Purelin.
net <- newff(n.neurons=c(1,3,2,1), learning.rate.global=1e-2,
error.criterium="LMS", Stao=NA, hidden.layer="tansig",
output.layer="purelin", method="ADAPTgdwm")
result <- train(net, P, target, error.criterium="LMS", report=TRUE,
show.step=100, n.shows=5 )
y <- sim(result$net, P)
plot(P,y, col="blue", pch="+")
points(P,target, col="red", pch="x")
> Alguém teria um tutorial bem básico sobre redes neurais no R?
> Muito obrigado.
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