[R-br] Tinn-R: novo website sob protocolo https

Jose Claudio Faria joseclaudio.faria em gmail.com
Sex Jan 18 22:57:10 -02 2019


O projeto Tinn-R está com novo website sob o protocolo https: Dears,

The Tinn-R projetc has a new website under the https protocol:

Jose Claudio Faria
joseclaudio.faria at gmail.com
55(73)3680.5545 - UESC
55(73)99966.9100 - VIVO

If you have software to deal with statistics, you have arms;
if you have good software, you have arms and legs;
if you have software like R, you have arms, legs and wings...
the height of your flight depends only on you!
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