[R-br] package ‘divisors’ is not available (for R version 3.0.2)
Éder Comunello
comunello.eder em gmail.com
Quinta Outubro 31 11:49:02 BRST 2013
Andre, bom dia!
O pacote 'descr' ainda está disponível e instalou normalmente no R 3.0.0. O
que eu pude ver, no entanto, é que a maior parte dos comandos que ele
oferece podem ser facilmente substituídos por outros de uso mais comum.
Documentation for package ‘descr’ version 1.0.1
Package NEWS.
Help Pages
compmeans Means of a numerical vector according to a factor
crosstab Cross tabulation with mosaic plot
CrossTable Cross tabulation with tests for factor independence
descrSummary of an object
file.head Prints first lines of a file.
forODFTable Convert an object of class CrossTable into a matrix for odfTable
freq Frequency table
fromUTF8 Conversion from UTF-8 encoding
fwf2csv Fast conversion of a fwf file into a csv one
histkdnc Histogram with kernel density and normal curve
LogRegR2 Pseudo R� of logistic regression
plot.CrossTable Mosaic plot from object of class CrossTable
plot.freqtable Bar plot from object of class freqtable
toUTF8 Conversion to UTF-8 encoding
xtable.CrossTable CrossTable method for xtable
Éder Comunello <c <comunello.eder em gmail.com>omunello.eder em gmail.com>
Dourados, MS - [22 16.5'S, 54 49'W]
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