[R-br] ggplot2
Flavio Barros
flaviomargarito em gmail.com
Quarta Outubro 30 23:47:35 BRST 2013
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Flavio Barros
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2013/10/30 geovane barbosa <geovanecb em yahoo.com.br>
> OLá pessoal tudo bem, estou usando o seguinte código e esta dando o
> seguinte erro
> Error: Aesthetics must either be length one, or the same length as the
> dataProblems:IDADEA, factor(Cor2)
> Alguém poderia me dar uma dica
> aguardo
> ####################################
> ####################################
> Prof. Geovane Carlos Barbosa
> UCL - Faculdade do Centro Leste
> ###################################
> ###################################
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