[R-br] função summary quase resolvido

alanarocha em sapo.pt alanarocha em sapo.pt
Quarta Fevereiro 20 12:36:40 BRT 2013

agora já me aparecem as estatísticas.
Mas as clinicas não estão na mesma ordem das que estão no  ficheiro.
há alguma forma de as coloccar por ordem e em cada linha o nome da  
clinica e os valores dos 5 anos?
setwd("G:/SIN/Users/Ana Rua/indicadores_ano")


Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

setwd("G:/SIN/Users/Ana Rua/indicadores_ano")

> setwd("G:/SIN/Users/Ana Rua/indicadores_ano")
> dados<-read.table("indicadores_08to12.csv",header=TRUE,sep=";")
Warning message:
In read.table("indicadores_08to12.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";") :
   incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'indicadores_08to12.csv'
> head(dados)
[2] X2010.2011
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
> Type 'contributors()' for more information and
Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'contributors()'"
> 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Error: unexpected symbol in "'citation()' on"
> Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'demo()'"
> 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Error: unexpected 'for' in "'help.start()' for"
> Type 'q()' to quit R.
Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'q()'"
setwd("G:/SIN/Users/Ana Rua/indicadores_ano")

> setwd("G:/SIN/Users/Ana Rua/indicadores_ano")
> dados<-read.table("indicadores_08to12.csv",header=TRUE,sep=";")
> head(dados)
   clinica doismiloito doismilnove doismildez doismilonze doismildoze
1  PBarca        0.70        0.72       0.72        0.76        0.77
2   Braga        0.74        0.75       0.78        0.76        0.73
3    Fafe        0.74        0.75       0.74        0.72        0.76
4    Maia        0.70        0.75       0.71        0.76        0.80
5  VNGaia        0.80        0.83       0.84        0.84        0.81
6 SMFeira        0.73        0.75       0.74        0.78        0.75
> Type 'contributors()' for more information and
Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'contributors()'"
> 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Error: unexpected symbol in "'citation()' on"
> Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'demo()'"
> 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Error: unexpected 'for' in "'help.start()' for"
> Type 'q()' to quit R.
Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'q()'"
> setwd("G:/SIN/Users/Ana Rua/indicadores_ano")
> dados<-read.table("indicadores_08to12.csv",header=TRUE,sep=";")
> head(dados)
   clinica doismiloito doismilnove doismildez doismilonze doismildoze
1  PBarca        0.70        0.72       0.72        0.76        0.77
2   Braga        0.74        0.75       0.78        0.76        0.73
3    Fafe        0.74        0.75       0.74        0.72        0.76
4    Maia        0.70        0.75       0.71        0.76        0.80
5  VNGaia        0.80        0.83       0.84        0.84        0.81
6 SMFeira        0.73        0.75       0.74        0.78        0.75
> summary(dados)
      clinica    doismiloito      doismilnove       doismildez
  Abrantes: 1   Min.   :0.6100   Min.   :0.6400   Min.   :0.6800
  Almada  : 1   1st Qu.:0.7000   1st Qu.:0.7100   1st Qu.:0.7225
  Alverca : 1   Median :0.7400   Median :0.7500   Median :0.7550
  Amadora : 1   Mean   :0.7288   Mean   :0.7409   Mean   :0.7568
  APDP    : 1   3rd Qu.:0.7600   3rd Qu.:0.7600   3rd Qu.:0.7900
  Barreiro: 1   Max.   :0.8200   Max.   :0.8300   Max.   :0.8400
  (Other) :31   NA's   :4        NA's   :3        NA's   :3
   doismilonze      doismildoze
  Min.   :0.6500   Min.   :0.5700
  1st Qu.:0.7500   1st Qu.:0.7500
  Median :0.7700   Median :0.7800
  Mean   :0.7697   Mean   :0.7708
  3rd Qu.:0.7875   3rd Qu.:0.8100
  Max.   :0.8500   Max.   :0.8500
  NA's   :3
> > setwd("G:/SIN/Users/Ana Rua/indicadores_ano")
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> >
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> > dados<-read.table("indicadores_08to12.csv",header=TRUE,sep=";")
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> Warning message:
Error: unexpected symbol in "Warning message"
> In read.table("indicadores_08to12.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";") :
Error: unexpected symbol in "In read.table"
>   incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'indicadores_08to12.csv'
Error: unexpected symbol in "  incomplete final"
> > head(dados)
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> [1]  
> Clinica..2008..2009..2010..2011..2012..PBarca.ã.ém.úbal.Évora.ãndola.
> .ão.
Error: unexpected '[' in "["
> [2] X2010.2011
Error: unexpected '[' in "["
> [3]  
> X2012.PBarca.ã.ém.úbal.Évora.ãndola.
> .ão.
Error: unexpected '[' in "["
> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Error: unexpected '<' in "<"
> >
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> > Type 'contributors()' for more information and
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'contributors()'"
Error: unexpected symbol in "Error: unexpected string"
> > 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> Error: unexpected symbol in "'citation()' on"
Error: unexpected symbol in "Error: unexpected symbol"
> >
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> > Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'demo()'"
Error: unexpected symbol in "Error: unexpected string"
> > 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> Error: unexpected 'for' in "'help.start()' for"
Error: unexpected string constant in "Error: unexpected 'for'"
> > Type 'q()' to quit R.
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
> Error: unexpected string constant in "Type 'q()'"
Error: unexpected symbol in "Error: unexpected string"
> >
Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
setwd("G:/SIN/Users/Ana Rua/indicadores_ano")

   clinica doismiloito doismilnove doismildez doismilonze doismildoze
1  PBarca        0.70        0.72       0.72        0.76        0.77
2   Braga        0.74        0.75       0.78        0.76        0.73
3    Fafe        0.74        0.75       0.74        0.72        0.76
4    Maia        0.70        0.75       0.71        0.76        0.80
5  VNGaia        0.80        0.83       0.84        0.84        0.81
6 SMFeira        0.73        0.75       0.74        0.78        0.75
      clinica    doismiloito      doismilnove       doismildez
  Abrantes: 1   Min.   :0.6100   Min.   :0.6400   Min.   :0.6800
  Almada  : 1   1st Qu.:0.7000   1st Qu.:0.7100   1st Qu.:0.7225
  Alverca : 1   Median :0.7400   Median :0.7500   Median :0.7550
  Amadora : 1   Mean   :0.7288   Mean   :0.7409   Mean   :0.7568
  APDP    : 1   3rd Qu.:0.7600   3rd Qu.:0.7600   3rd Qu.:0.7900
  Barreiro: 1   Max.   :0.8200   Max.   :0.8300   Max.   :0.8400
  (Other) :31   NA's   :4        NA's   :3        NA's   :3
   doismilonze      doismildoze
  Min.   :0.6500   Min.   :0.5700
  1st Qu.:0.7500   1st Qu.:0.7500
  Median :0.7700   Median :0.7800
  Mean   :0.7697   Mean   :0.7708
  3rd Qu.:0.7875   3rd Qu.:0.8100
  Max.   :0.8500   Max.   :0.8500
  NA's   :3
cumprimentos Ana

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