[R-br] Tinn-R pre-release

Jose Claudio Faria joseclaudio.faria em gmail.com
Quinta Novembro 1 09:37:49 BRST 2012

Prezados usuários do Tinn-R,

Aproveitando que ando me recuperando de uma cirurgia de hérnia
inguinal dupla convencional em casa, com calma e bastante tempo (não
estou indo trabalhar na Universidade), andei fazendo umas alterações
no Tinn-R e creio que ficaram bem boas.

Contudo, gostaria de escutar as opiniões do usuários da casa antes de
liberar para todos os usuários no SourceForge.
Estou usando a nova versão já a alguns dias e já testei em dois
sabores do WIndows 7, tudo parece estável. Mas seria bom testes em
outras plataformas e máquinas.
Os uauários que quiserem testar podem entrar em contato direto comigo:
joseclaudio.faria em gmail.com que mando o link de onde pode ser baixado.

As principais alterações estão abaixo (em Inglês): (Nov/01/2012)
- The graphical interface was updated with some improvements, mainly
the Application options.

- A new toolbar "Format" was added to the main toolbar.

- A new resource allowing reformat R code (selection or whole file)
using formatR package was added. The icon resource was placed in the
Format toolbar, so that from this version on, the formatR package will
be necessary together with the already traditional TinnR and svSocket

- Due to new resource related to reformat code the variable .trPaths
was changed. As a result, it will be necessary to run again the
R/Configure/Permanent (Rprofile.site). In this case, do not forget to
remove any prior script generated by Tinn-R in the Rprofile.site file.

- The R/Hotkeys interface was deeply reworked and it now has two tabs:
Default and Custom.
  - Default: Contains the already traditional instructions of Tinn-R;
  - Custom: Allows the user to customize any instructions to be send
to R interpreter (thanks to Philemon Lenherr for the suggestion). The
instructions must be as follows:
    - Simple: search(). The R interpreter will receive > search();
    - Replace word or small selection: View(%s, title='Test'). If the
editor cursor is over the word iris or it is selected, the R
interpreter will receive > View(iris, title='Test')
    - Replace whole file: source(%f, echo=TRUE, verbose=TRUE). The R
interpreter will receive > source(.trPaths[4], echo=TRUE,
verbose=TRUE). All rules related to send file will be preserved.

- Sorry, due to deeply changes in R/Hotkeys, all hotkeys configured
prior to this version will be lost. It will be necessary to
reconfigure all.

- The chapter Some secrets for an efficient use is being revised by
Ricardo Pietrobon and soon will be completed. Many thanks for his hard

Jose Claudio Faria
joseclaudio.faria at gmail.com
55(73)3680.5545 - UESC
55(73)9100.7351 - TIM
55(73)8817.6159 - OI

Mais detalhes sobre a lista de discussão R-br