[R-br] Para quem eh fa~ de "bleeding-edge tech" (em termos de R)
Benilton Carvalho
beniltoncarvalho em gmail.com
Sábado Abril 14 09:45:41 BRT 2012
As promessas sobre as quais comentei em algum ponto no passado (de que
o R-core iria incorporar suporte a objetos mais longos que 2^31-1)
comecam a ser cumpridas.... Eu imagino que no R-2.16.x eh possivel que
jah tenhamos alguma dessa funcionalidade (lembrem-se que o release
schedule do R mudou e agora eh apenas 1x por ano)...
Enfim, o texto abaixo informa as mudancas que ja' foram feitas no codigo-fonte.
\subsection{LONG VECTORS}{
\item There are the beginnings of support for vectors longer than
\eqn{2^{31}-1}{2^31 - 1} elements on 64-bit platforms. This
applies to raw, logical, integer, double, complex and character
vectors, as well as lists. (Elements of character vectors remain
limited to \eqn{2^{31}-1}{2^31 - 1} bytes.)
\item What can be done with such vectors is currently very
limited, and most operations will return the error \sQuote{long
vectors not supported yet}. They can be serialized and
unserialized, \code{identical()} and \code{object.size()} work and
means can be computed.
\item \code{dist()} can produce dissimilarity objects for more
than 65536 rows (but for example \code{hclust()} cannot process
such objects).
\item \code{serialize()} to a raw vector is no longer limited in
size on 64-bit platforms.
\item The C-level function \code{R_alloc} can now allocate
\eqn{2^{34}}{2^34} or more bytes on 64-bit platforms.
Mais detalhes sobre a lista de discussão R-br