[R-br] Fwd: About relevent

Fernando Colugnati fernando em ipti.org.br
Quarta Outubro 5 16:45:02 BRT 2011


O autor de um artigo me enviou um pacote utilizado, mas ainda não disponível
no CRAN por falta de documentação.
Tentei construir e instalar o pacote utilizando o Rtolls. o RCMDda um
feedback como ok, mas quando tento instalar ou montar o pacote ele tenta
rodar um "sh" e falha na leitura do Description File do pacote. Detalhe,
isso ocorre no Windows, no Ubunto funcionou, mas preciso rodar no windows
tbm. Alguma dica de como fazer?

Os arquivos seguem em anexo.

Abs e obrigado

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carter T. Butts <buttsc em uci.edu>
Date: 2010/2/26
Subject: Re: About relevent
To: Fernando Colugnati <fernando em ipti.org.br>

Hi, Fernando.  Just a quick FYI - I sent you the working development
version, which I belatedly realized is still being worked on (and may have
transient issues).  Attached is the latest stable version...might be best to
use that until the next one is finalized.



Fernando Colugnati wrote:

> Dear Carter,
> Thanks a lot! For sure I'll let you know about any bug, and by the way to
> solve any hard "doubt" I cannot deal with...
> All the best
> 2010/2/25 Carter T. Butts <buttsc em uci.edu <mailto:buttsc em uci.edu>>
>    Hi, Fernando -
>    Fernando Colugnati wrote:
>        Dear Dr Butts,
>        My name is Fernando Colugnati, I am a Brazilian researcher at
>        the Research Institutte for Technology and Innovation, working
>        on analysis of WEB 2.0 tools. I am statistician.
>        I found your paper  "A relational event framework for social
>        action" really interesting, and want to model Discussion Forums
>        using that approach. I would like to ask you if it is possible
>        to use the R package cited, in the article, RELEVENT, to test in
>        some datasets I have, having my mais interest in compare forums
>        related to content interest and social relationship, both from a
>        distance course platform, having an intersection set of authors
>        that played in both forums.
>        The package will be used for research actvities only, and if you
>        need I can send you more details, or share results as the
>        research goes forward.
>        Looking forward to hear from you.
>        Best regards
>    No problem.  Here is the R source package; it's not yet on CRAN
>    because the documentation could use some work, but the basic
>    routines are documented.  The two main functions are rem and
>    rem.ego, the former being designed for dyadic models of the sort
>    used in the paper, and the latter being originally intended for
>    "egocentric" event data (although, in point of fact, it can actually
>    be used to fit a wider range of models, given appropriate
>    specification of the model statistics).  The main routines have been
>    tested a fair amount (in their core functionality, at least), but
>    this is still a beta package and under active development...please
>    let me know if you find any bugs.
>    Hope this helps!
>    -Carter
> --
> Fernando A.B. Colugnati
> Pesquisador Associado
> Instituto de Pesquisas em Tecnologia e Inovação - IPTI
> Av. São Luís, 86 - cj 192 - 19º andar
> Cep 01046 000 - São Paulo - SP
> Tel. 55 11 3256.2150
> Fax. 55 11 3211.2041
> www.ipti.org.br <http://www.ipti.org.br>
> fernando em ipti.org.br <mailto:fernando em ipti.org.br>

Fernando A.B. Colugnati
Pesquisador Associado

Instituto de Pesquisas em Tecnologia e Inovação - IPTI
Tel. 55 11 8704-9812
fernando em ipti.org.br
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